oO_Rogue_Oo [Veteran Member]
(Go Go Gadget Jeep)

Registration Date: 20thApril2009
Date of Birth: Hidden
Local Time: 6thDecember2024 at 10:21 PM
Status: Offline

oO_Rogue_Oo's Forum Info
Joined: 20thApril2009
Last Visit: 24thOctober2022, 09:52 AM
Total Posts: 1,521 (0.27 posts per day | 1.41 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 33 (0.01 threads per day | 0.46 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 2 Weeks, 2 Hours
Members Referred: 0
Additional Info About oO_Rogue_Oo
Sex: Male
Location: Pearl, MS

oO_Rogue_Oo's Signature
"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools."
Thucydides circa 460 bc - c. 400 bc